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(07) 3343 4066

Inverell, NSW
Commissioned: November 2021
Usable Battery Storage: 20kWh @ up to 100% DOD with the possibility of an extra battery next year bringing the total to 30kWh.

Our client, a farmer in Inverell, New South Wales, had an old 10KW solar system without battery storage. He wanted it replaced with a new system that could also function as a stand alone system indefinitely for their house loads. Having a long overhead lead into the property (a couple km), there was a high chance of black out from blowing branches in storm season – our client wanted resilience for this reason.

Two men in front of electrical equipment shaking hands


  • 1 phase residential 10KVA Hybrid with storage

Installed PV

  • 40 x 315W Seraphim Blade

System Components

  • 2 x Victron Multiplus 2 5KVA
  • 2 x Victron smart solar charger 250/100
  • 2 x 10kWh Z-Cell flow batteries
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